Why? Because the first fitful blooms of Cyclamen hederifolium have appeared at the base of a birch tree. The weather has been autumnal too, rain, mist and dewy mornings. Some fabulous ‘low gold light after rain in the evenings’ moments, and a great moon swung up into the sky to the east of Bath on Sunday last.
The August garden is given colour by Dahlias, Scabious not quite Chile Black, as cross pollination has given me a selection from seed; Gladioli of the smaller types, Diascia personata and Anthericum ramosum. The last of the Kniphofia are the bright yellow Dorset Sentry and white tipped green Ice Queen, I have had a succession of Tawny King and others going for weeks. A large Ratibidia with yellow daisy flowers and a couple of unassuming pale yellow Cephalaria are waving above the wreck of the middle bed. The asters are still in the wings.

Had my first of 4 figs this week which is a little luxury. Yep a bad pruning regime, it’s enough to keep Brunswick under control over the growing season it is so vigorous. This plant originally came from a nursery that used to be at Greenways, Agatha Christie’s house, now an NT property.
Allium angulosum is a good doer it has been in flower for weeks attracting the bees, think a sturdier version of a chive flower and strappy flattened ground hugging leaves (Mead Nursery and Avon Bulbs).
In the veg garden my fennel has bolted (boo!) The first tomatoes finally ripening, Tonadose de Conores a small cherry type and Vintage Wine, stripey and beefier (Plant World). The courgettes continue to sulk with the mizzly weather altho’ the odd pale yellow warty Rugosa of Friuli seems a little less fractious than Striato d’Italia (which I think has a good flavour), both from Seeds of Italy. Also first aubergine and maybe last given the weather.

And finally – I have been enjoying the scents from Heliotrope, Brugmansia Grand Marnier (evening) and Lilium speciosum, a heady brew indeed.