Today has that warm in the sun dozy autumn lowering light feeling. Maybe we are in for a bit of settled weather that will drift us gently into autumn proper. I am however saddened by the death of a young slinky gold slow worm who sadly refused my offers of help in moving it off a public footpath, next day in middle of path squashed, head erect rest of body smashed, you can’t tell young folk what to do, they have to learn by their mistakes – ho hum.
The soil in the garden is still dry despite the record breaking rain this summer, we have found this as we have been digging up plants prior to moving houses. The Crocosmias would have benefitted from more moisture certainly. Yeah, I should feed the soil better with compost, I know, and I should spray for capsid bug which hits the fuchsia Sharpitor every year, and this year one of the dahlias, delaying flowering massively, I know ..
Here are some plants that are doing OK on a late August weekend.